a work in progress

a work in progress

Monday, August 10, 2009

climb, baby, climb

i hate being in a slump. granted i don't have that much time to be in one, but one of those days that things just don't feel right - can really throw ya down! i think it has a bit to do with the weather here. it finally got hot. too hot to be outside during normal business hours, so that makes for long days. we all try to stay busy playing and coloring and dancing - but it is old!!

tonight the kids went to bed early with intentions of me climbing back out of the slump i am in. i put my laptop on the table with 3 nice piles of things to do - of which include updating my blog. so that is where i am.

in one of my piles of course is my favorite 'to do list'. on my list is a note that says "dental - me", meaning my cleaning is coming up. do you know i pulled my appointment card out and bam! it was today. what?? today. i missed it. i am such a looser. not only that, on sunday (only yesterday) was my grandma's 71st birthday... you guessed it. i missed it. i hate hate hate when i get like this. so like i said, this time is intended to climb back out of the slump i am in.

eric's mom, brother and his girl's were here to visit from thursday to sunday. it was nice to have company around and i know the girls had a blast playing with their cousins. we really didn't do much, just visited and relaxed... it was pretty hot the entire time they were here. having company really makes time go by without thinking of how long it will be until eric will return. next weekend my sister and brother in law will be here. catie will be able to stay a week, while chris will start his in processing at ft. campbell. that will be nice to have more family this way. plus he is a great babysitter!! love ya chris!

even though it is going to happen, these slumps that is, we can always get back out of them. the power of choices - gotta love 'em. so here is off to a better start tomorrow!!

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