a work in progress

a work in progress

Monday, April 13, 2009

digging for gold

this is gonna be a short one, but omg.
this morning on our daily trip to the gym ty was eating a ritz cracker in the car. no biggie, it was like his fifth one, so he was becoming extremly bored with them. too bored. about a mile from our destination i look back and he is picking his nose, hard - truly digging for gold. i (being a responsible driver and mother) was able to see the white chunk in his nose so i reached back and pinch his nose to see if it would squirt out. it didn't. he starts to sneeze. good, it should shoot out now. it didn't. his eyes start to water and his finger goes back into the tiny nostril and begins to dig. arriving safely at the gym, i get him out first to see if the ritz cracker has desolved from all the snot that was running around it. it was not a ritz cracker. it was a piece of candy the girls had from the easter egg hunt from the previous day. basically a corner of a hard candy, all sugar, but not desolving. what do i do? i don't have a nose sucker with me, i can't send him in the childcare with something lodged in his nose. sneezing didn't work. pinching didn't work. aha.
sucking will.
i closed the opposite nostril with my hand an put my mouth on his nose and sucked two times and ta-da! i got it.
at least it was sweet.


  1. Only a mom would actually admit sucking something out of her child's nose! That's awesome, Kelly!


  2. You know your a mom when you suck something out of your kids nose. I dont know if I will ever reach that point in my mothering life, but hey desperate times call for desperate measures!!!

    Love you all
